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HTML And PHP Mail Application Not Sending

I trying to make an application form but it just won't work. I've been searching on the site to find some answers, but without luck. - I have tried several different scripts. And t

Solution 1:

You're not calling mail correctly:

mail($myemail, $name, $birthday, $cloths, $currentclub, $clubranking, $coachphone, $clubhis, $team, $attention, $message);

The manpage is here: - you need to pass in the email address; the subject line; and the message; with a couple of optional parameters. You need to concatenate all your text into a single message variable, and pass that variable in, instead of each of the different values:

mail ($myemail, 'Subject', $message);

Solution 2:

The basic mail() function takes 3 parameters like so

mail(to, subject, message)

You can add headers and additional parameters too.

change your mail() line to

mail($myemail, $email, $message);

Solution 3:

You read the documentation of mail function,

mail($myemail, $name, $birthday, $cloths, $currentclub, $clubranking, $coachphone, $clubhis, $team, $attention, $message);

the arguments you are passing in the mail() function are wrong...

you try writing mail($myemail, $email, $message)

Variable $myemail should store the email of the recipient and $email should have the subject stored in it, and $message should contain the message you want to send.

Solution 4:

I believe the error looks to be with the use of your mail() php function, this function only takes a maximum of 5 parameters

mail($myemail, $name, $birthday, $cloths, $currentclub, $clubranking, $coachphone, $clubhis, $team, $attention, $message);

You appear to have included $name, $birthday, $cloths, $currentclub, $clubranking, $coachphone, $clubhis, $team, $attention, $message already inside your $message variable so no need to include these again in the mail function.

Your code should look something similar to:

$emailMessage = "
name: $name
E-mail: $email
Birthday: $birthday
Cloths: $cloths
Currentclub: $currentclub
Clubranking: $clubranking
Coachphone $coachphone
Clubhis: $clubhis
Team: $team
Attention: $attention
Message: $message

 mail($myemail, $subject, $emailMessage);

Refer to for the usage of the mail() function.

Solution 5:

Please see the example code for mail ..

Send a simple email:

$txt = "First line of text\nSecond line of text";

// Use wordwrap() if lines are longer than 70 characters
$txt = wordwrap($txt,70);

// Send email
mail("","My subject",$txt);

Send an email with extra headers:

$to = "";
$subject = "My subject";
$txt = "Hello world!";
$headers = "From:" . "\r\n" .


Send an HTML email:

$to = ",";
$subject = "HTML email";

$message = "
<title>HTML email</title>
<p>This email contains HTML Tags!</p>

// Always set content-type when sending HTML email
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";

// More headers
$headers .= 'From: <>' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Cc:' . "\r\n";


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