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Rails Content_tag Inserts Extra "<" And ">" Characters

When doing this: def user_log if logged_in? == false form_tag session_path, :id => 'mform' do content_tag(:span, content_tag(text_field_tag :email, 'emai

Solution 1:

The fundamental problem is that you are using content_tag twice when you don't need to. content_tag essentially calls content_tag_string. Here's content_tag_string's source:

def content_tag_string(name, content, options, escape = true)
  tag_options = tag_options(options, escape) if options

Calling content_tag(text_field_tag :email, "") looks like:

"<#{text_field_tag :email, ""}>"

and text_field_tag already produces a full HTML tag (it includes the "<" and ">").

All you need to do to get rid of the extra angled brackets is to leave out the second content_tag:

content_tag(:span, text_field_tag(:email, ""), :class => "memail")+

Solution 2:

Though I haven't tried it locally, the problem is likely that Rails is html escaping your handy helper method. To see if I'm right, try throwing this in your view:

<%= raw(user_log) %>

If that works, you can throw raw in your helper method instead:

def user_log
    if logged_in? == false
        raw(form_tag session_path, :id => "mform" do
            content_tag(:span, content_tag(text_field_tag :email, ""), :class => "memail")+
            content_tag(:span, content_tag(password_field_tag :password, "12345678912"), :class => "mpass")+
            content_tag(:span, content_tag(submit_tag 'Login'), :class => "mbutton")

raw tells Rails that this code is safe and doesn't need to be html escaped.

Solution 3:

As a first guess, I might try something like:

if logged_in? == false

Update: Ok, back to the drawing board.

As a second guess, try this. (And note the extra parameter to content_tag, which required putting the hash in explicit { }...)

def user_log
    if logged_in? == false
        form_tag session_path, :id => "mform" do
            content_tag(:span, content_tag(text_field_tag :email, ""),   {:class => "memail"},   false)+
            content_tag(:span, content_tag(password_field_tag :password, "12345678912"), {:class => "mpass"},    false)+
            content_tag(:span, content_tag(submit_tag 'Login'),                          {:class => "mbutton"},  false)

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