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Create Vertical Column Table Based On Array Of Objects

Let's say I have a Javascript Array of Product Objects function Product() { this.Name = ''; this.Cost = ''; this.Color = ''; } var ProductsArray = []; var product1 =

Solution 1:

I would suggest a slightly different approach. First I'd pass the arguments in the constructor, then I'd create the products array with instances and a function to make the HTML for your table.

You can use this with any collection, not only instances, but regular objects as well, just pass an array of objects, the properties to show, and the headers for each of those properties.


function Product(name, cost, color) { = name;
  this.cost = cost;
  this.color = color;

var products = [
  new Product('name1', 'cost1', 'color1'),
  new Product('name2', 'cost2', 'color2'),
  new Product('name3', 'cost3', 'color3')

function pluck(prop) {
  return function(x) {
    return x[prop];

function table(data, props, headers) {
  var cells = {
    return '<td>'+'</td><td>') +'</td>';
  var rows =, i) {
    return '<tr><th>'+ head +'</th>'+ cells[i] +'<tr>';
  return '<table>'+ rows.join('') +'</table>';

var tableHtml = table(
  ['name', 'cost', 'color'],
  ['Names', 'Costs', 'Colors']

Solution 2:

You can select the 3 trs ahead of time and use those as you iterate the array:


var $trs = $('table tr');
var $nameTr = $trs.eq(0);
var $costTr = $trs.eq(1);
var $colorTr = $trs.eq(2);

$.each(ProductsArray, function(idx, item) {
    $('<td />').text(item.Name).appendTo($nameTr);
    $('<td />').text(item.Cost).appendTo($costTr);
    $('<td />').text(item.Color).appendTo($colorTr);

Solution 3: could add to three separate strings, that would each end up constituting a table row. Set up a skeleton table beforehand with the <tr> elements already in there, then run the script to fill each of them with <td> elements.

Maybe something like this (not sure how you're creating the elements, so I'll just use the jQuery .append() function).


    <tr class="name">
    <tr class="cost">
    <tr class="color">


var nameHtml = "";
var costHtml = "";
var colorHtml = "";

// Building strings
for (var i = 0; i < ProductsArray.length; i++) {
    nameHtml += "<td>" + ProductsArray[i].Name + "</td>";
    costHtml += "<td>" + ProductsArray[i].Cost + "</td>";
    colorHtml += "<td>" + ProductsArray[i].Color + "</td>";

// Adding to rows

Here's a JSFiddle that demonstrates the example. There are plenty of ways to do this though, others have suggested some interesting ones. Main benefit here is that you can switch around table rows freely in the HTML without needing to change the JavaScript. Let me know if you have any questions. Hope this helps!

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