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Image As A 'background' To A Drawn Shape

Is it possible to 'fill' a shape on an HTML5 canvas with an image instead of a color? I've drawn a bunch of shapes (squares with various corners sliced off at 45 degree angles). I'

Solution 1:

You can do this by defining a clipping region that is the same as your shape and then using drawImage() to draw into this region; then stroke (only) your path on top of this.

I've created an example of this technique for you on my website:

Here's the relevant code; it proportionately scales the image to fill the width you specify:

functionclippedBackgroundImage( ctx, img, w, h ){; // Save the context before clipping
  ctx.clip(); // Clip to whatever path is on the contextvar imgHeight = w / img.width * img.height;
  if (imgHeight < h){
    ctx.fillStyle = '#000';

  ctx.restore(); // Get rid of the clipping region

It's up to you to modify that if you want tiling, or asymmetric stretching, low-opacity tinting, etc. Here's how you might use it:

function slashedRectWithBG( ctx, x, y, w, h, slash, img ){; // Save the context before we muck up its properties
  ctx.moveTo( slash, 0 );       //////////// 
  ctx.lineTo( w, 0 );          //         //
  ctx.lineTo( w, h-slash );   //          //
  ctx.lineTo( w-slash,h );    //          //
  ctx.lineTo( 0, h );         //         //
  ctx.lineTo( 0, slash );     ////////////
  clippedBackgroundImage( ctx, img, w, h );
  ctx.stroke();  // Now draw our path
  ctx.restore(); // Put the canvas back how it was before we started

Note that when you create your image to pass to the function, you must set its onload handler before setting the src:

var img = newImage;
img.onload = function(){
  // Now you can pass the `img` object to various functions
img.src = "...";

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