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Inline-block Div With And Without Text Not Vertically Aligned

I have two divs side by side. Both have the same size and display: inline-block. The only difference between the two is, the first one has some text and the second one is blank. HT

Solution 1:

Inline-block boxes are,by default vertically aligned such that the baseline of the inline-block box aligns to the baseline of the line box in which it is rendered.

The baseline of an inline-block box with one line of text, is the baseline of that line. More generally, the baseline of an inline-block is the baseline of the last line of text that it contains. But that means that there is no baseline for an inline-block that contains no text.

In such a situation a fall back rule kicks in, and the bottom of the inline-block box is placed on the baseline of its line box.

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