Include Htmlpurifier With Zend_loader
Solution 1:
I use HTML Purifier as a filter in my Zend Framework project. Here's an altered version of my class:
protected$_htmlPurifier = null;
publicfunction__construct($options = null)
// set up configuration$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
$config->set('HTML.DefinitionID', 'My Filter');
$config->set('HTML.DefinitionRev', 1); // increment when configuration changes// $config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null); // comment out after finalizing the config// Doctype$config->set('HTML.Doctype', 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional');
// configure caching$cachePath = APPLICATION_PATH . '/../cache/htmlpurifier';
if (!is_dir($cachePath)) {
mkdir($cachePath, 0755, true);
$cachePath = realpath($cachePath);
$config->set('Cache.SerializerPath', $cachePath);
if (!is_null($options)) {
//$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();foreach ($optionsas$option) {
$config->set($option[0], $option[1], $option[2]);
$this->_htmlPurifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
Solution 2:
Unless I'm misunderstanding the question (Or HTMLpurifier). If you have Zend_Loader running and it's set to autoload.
Or something to that effect. Put the HTMLpurifier class in your library directory. I'm just not sure on it's actual class name.
You can just put the class file in the library directory and call it by it's name, or maybe toss it in a misc package.
// SITE/library/Zend/Auth.phpclassZend_Auth
// SITE/library/htmlpurifier.phpclasshtmlpurifier
// SITE/library/misc/htmlpurifier.phpclassMisc_HTMLpurifier
Make sense?
Solution 3:
you can register an autoloader class using the Zend_Loader class. when you call the registerAutoLoad() method without any parameters, you are actually registering Zend_Loader itself as an autoloader. so:
// equals to: Zend_Loader::registerAutoLoad('Zend_Loader'),true);
Zend_Loader tries to load classes using Zend Framework's naming convention, which is like this:
- each class is defined in a separate file
- each class name begins with a capitalized letter
- underlines in class name, means a directory level.
so if 'Zend_Loader' is the name of a class, it is defined in the file 'Loader.php' in 'Zend' directory in your path. to you PHP can file load this class from file Zend/Loader.php
if your classes follow this naming convention, they can be automatically loaded using the same autoloader. else, you need to define your own autoloader. write an autoloader class winch can extend Zend_Loader, and define the loading functionality so that it will load classes with other naming conventions. then register your own autoloader with Zend_Loader. like this:
Solution 4:
I've put the contents of library of the archive of HTMLPurifier in my library path. So I have this directory structure :
And then I put this on top of the file where I'm using the HTMLPurifier :
Ugly, but it's working.
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