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Get Images From Mysql With Php Jquery Ajax And Display Them In Html Page Inside Divs

I am editing my question after in depth searching about my problem basically my website is a fashion display website it displays shoes cloths and bags etc now its obvious that i wi

Solution 1:

Here's the jquery code that should work:

$(function () {

  $(document).on('click', 'div.prodcls img', function (e) {
    e.preventDefault();$(this).attr('src').replace('/thumbnails', ''), '');


And some css for good measure:

<style>div.prodclsimg:hover {
  cursor: pointer;

Here's a working fiddle:

Solution 2:


#imagePopup{ float:left; z-index:10; position: absolute;} 

Add some positioning


<div id="prodtwoid"class="prodcls">

<divid="prodthreeid"class="prodcls"><imgsrc="images/thumbnail/puma/1.png"alt="PUMA"/></div><divid="prodfourid"class="prodcls"><imgsrc="images/thumbnail/hermes/1.png"alt="HERMES"/></div>//This is you popup div<divid='imagePopup'style='display:none'></div>


   var src = $(this).attr('src').replace('/thumbnail', '');
    $("#imagePopup").html("<img src='"+src+"'/>")

Updated answer:

HTML: (give every image a link):



$sImagePath = $_GET['img'];
echo"<div class='imgDiv'>";
echo"<img src='$sImagePath' />";

Solution 3:

You can open actual image in new browser tab without jQuery:

For Example:


Solution 4:

Perhaps a lightbox is what you really need? take a look at this library:

Solution 5:

You have an error in your AJAX code (your forgo to include the actual var:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('ul.sub_menu a').click(function() {
        var txt = $(this).text();  
            type: 'POST',
            url: 'thegamer.php',
            data: {'txt':txt}  //added :txt here

Now in PHP:

$txt = $_GET['txt'];
//Now lookup $txtin you msyql db
//And echo the result, so JS can read it.

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